Oudated!! Please refer to http://blog.mypapit.net for the current version.
Merdeka Songs
posted at : 8/15/2005 06:06:00 PMby: mypapit
Oudated!! Please refer to http://blog.mypapit.net for the current version.
The National Day is around the corner! And I can see advertisement around for the National Day although based from my observation, it certainly less exciting than the previous year, but it's National Day nevertheless.
Which brings me to a quest to find patriotic and National Day related-songs. Well after spending almost an hour searching for those songs on governments servers (*.gov.my), I finally came up to a conclusion, the Malaysian Government did not host any of the songs!!!! Or at least they make it hard for an average user to find it, and i do mean very hard...
Well I do found those songs scattered around the Net along with a good description about it, but none of them are from an Official government site.
Maybe some people will think "hey, it's not a big deal, everybody knows the National Song", or "Why are you complaining about this? Government have done so much... (insert typical politician-like speech here)".
To me it's just plain weird, just weird, that Malaysian government have a lot of *.gov.my site, but none of them seems to offer National Song/Patriotic to download. So what's the use of all those ICT infrastructures are for?
Which brings me to another question, how would people know the official Negaraku song sounds like right now? I maybe not sensitive about it's tempo, etc.The song have been officially altered before, but I'm still listening to different version of the National Song through the various radio stations, tv station, etc. How can I be sure which is the "Standard".
Is there a standard copy of the song? How can I obtain it, economically and practically speaking? How can you be sure that the National Song distributed by non-governmental site have not been altered (tempo, rhythm, etc) ?
One more point, Malaysia is a federation consisting of 14 states and each state have their own unique state-song. Aren't you curious about this state songs? How does it sound like?
Well here's the collection of Patriotic/National Songs I've collected through the internet. But be advised, none of it came from Official Government website :
- Negaraku v1 (Instrumental)
- Negaraku v1
- Negaraku v2 (Metal)
- Negaraku v3 (March)
- Jalur Gemilang
- Keranamu Malaysia
8/15/2005 06:06:00 PM - Permalink